1 P


People, customers and so-called people are the most important factor.
Customer retention is about building relationships, and relationships are about human relationships.
Treat your client as a person, not a customer; Start by hiring people who care about others. Compare your behavior in rush hour driving to when you drive down your street and pass your neighbors. You behave better when you know that you will see people again or that you want to see them again. It is necessary for all employees to pay attention to customers and customer retention, and one of the executive directors must be obliged to ensure the realization of this matter; Hence, the job title of Chief Customer Relations Manager was created.
No change without brokers


It is second in importance and very close to the people.

If your product is not suitable, you will have problems with other P’s.

On the other hand, if the product is successful, it will be easier for you to achieve other P’s.

When you’re designing your product or service to achieve customer satisfaction and higher retention rates, provide consistent value and quality to your customers over time. (that’s what Apple does)

2 P

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3 P


Product distribution naturally becomes important when you’re looking for a place to set up your physical store, but what about when your business is online?

Does it matter in this case? Yes.

If you are looking to establish a relationship with your customer and encourage them to buy more, you can send them an email or message exactly when they are shopping or browsing and visiting the site. In the first contact, the contact is out of context and there is little chance of getting a response. In the second relationship, the audience is placed on the bed and there is a higher probability of receiving a response.

In online marketing, ” Place = Website ” means the platform, and the platform is important.


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In any good relationship, people take care of each other.

Today, this has become an expectation in the relationship between customers and businesses. Our customers think we will take care of them, and that’s why they pay us.

In e-commerce, this kind of relationship means offering discounts to customers who have bought from us many times. In partnership business, price means adding extra features to the service without charging more.

4 P

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5 P


How should you promote your product or service among customers to keep them and encourage them to buy more and keep them for the long term?

Completely different from the method you use to get a customer in the future.  Why?

Because that person is your customer.

You know him or you should know him. You know what the customer bought from you or how they use your service. You can use that information to send messages in a more targeted, appropriate, useful and effective way.

In the promotional mix of marketing, it is necessary to promote your brand and offer something to the customer that will appeal to him and make him refer to your brand and product and make a purchase.

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To succeed in all the previous P’s and to be more than one thing at a time, you need proper processes such as monitoring social media and interacting with customers, surveying customers for their satisfaction, applying the right marketing strategy and implementing marketing automation.

Use your own customer engagement solutions to understand how each customer interacts with your business.

Look for positive and negative patterns and respond based on them, sometimes through people or email, but often with apps and through targeted messages based on customer behavior.


6 P

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7 P


If you want to keep your customers, you must know who you are and communicate it clearly and continuously with your customers so that they also know “who” you are.

First of all, your actions should be related to your brand positioning.

Those actions are manifested in the people you hire, the product you carry, the service you deliver, the price you set and the discount you offer, the distribution and promotion you choose, and the processes you implement.

In sum, your words and actions say:

Who are we and what can you expect from us?

Marketing is an art

By following the 7P’s of marketing and using the right marketing mix components in your business marketing strategy, you will be able to retain your customers, your interaction rate with customers will increase and by doing this your business will be more successful.

Persian pamphlet